Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesus, light the way

Will You call forth the light
as You did creation morn
It pierced right through the dark from heaven

Will you provide the pillar of fire
a compass for the desert times
Will You be my guide

He says
I will give you My life

Light the way in this heart of mine
Take away the darkness
Your Word is like a lamp unto my feet

I am saved because of You
A miracle is born within my soul
You are the light of the world

Will You shine the light
if I journey of my path
You take my blinded eyes and grant me sight

Will You come rescue me
if I'm trapped inside my plight
Will you be my Messiah

Light the way in this heart of mine
Take away the darkness
Your Word is like a lamp unto my feet

I am saved because of You
A miracle is born within my soul
You are the light of the world

One the night will pass away
Your light will shine always
Everything will be bright for all eternity

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day of Trial

It's a day of trials..

Trial One: Sly stepped on my specs and made it crooked.
Trial Two: The pain that in my left thumb is telling me that it won't go away anytime soon.
Trial Three: My cap on Sly's head went into the water after a kick from me.
Trial Four: I kept screwing up thru the dance today.
Trial Five: I want to go home so badly.
Trial Six: The MRT door wont open.
Trial Seven: The guy in front of me got stuck at the ticketing gates...

And you get the idea.


Monday, March 29, 2010


Not a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of Sonship.
Facing our Goliaths head on, bravely,
with a divine Spirit guiding the our sword arm.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The pancake that was intended to love became the weapon to harm instead.
I guess people never change after all.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Seed

Seed Camp 2010 was a blast, it really is.
God really used me and show me various signs of my innermost weaknesses and I can send His spirit stirring so powerfully in the tent.

The praise and worship was earthshaking. I can feel His immediate presence beside me when I was worshiping and signing hymns to Him. The teachings was like a pierce to my heart and a nail on the head. God pointed those issues that I need to immediately issue directly to me and that is fear. I refuse to be a seed planted on worrisome soil and I will not fear anything anymore.

I mean what's left to fear when our God is for you? Who can go against us when God is for us?
In Joshua 1:9 He has commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous thrice. And the triple affirmation definitely have to mean something. The Lord your God is with you every step you take, cross referencing to 2 chronicles 20:15, the Word says that the battle is not ours by the Lord's. No reason to be afraid. He has gone before us and won the victory. And all that's left is to accept the grace victory thru knowing Christ the King and thus being a co-heir in Christ!

The part that is the most fun is the Oddball Fiesta, in which we dress up in 'weird costumes'. I personally dressed up like a reaper. Imagine holding a scythe in public. After that was the most touching part was the affirmation part in which we gave Iheartyou stickers.

I really thank God for everything and more importantly everyone around me, especially Ephraim, Huimin and Sly. I thank Ephraim for his past kindness and patience towards me, Huimin for mowing my patience and her steadfastness in Christ, and Sly for ever being so encouraging and caring. These few months have been really really REALLY tough for me that it made me a spiritual bankrupt. But God's grace really is enough for me, and I drank from that well to the full with his invitation.

Right now, I am burning with spiritual energy and I want it to last. I really want to be the best version of walking bible for people to read, I might be their only bible in their entire life. I want to live out a life that is a worthy witness of Christ and I want to strive towards perfection. What Edison said was true, that no one gave us the right to stop being perfect since we can't be perfect. True we can't be perfect but we love God, so we strive towards Christ-likeness, aka perfection.

Before I go to sleep, I want to to encourage my readers with this verse, which is the Word that God spoke so truly and divinely into my heart.

1 John 4:18a (NLT) - Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.

But He told me not to fear. He told me to be strong and courageous. He told me that this battle He has won and I am co-victors with Him and His mighty hand. As said in 1 Corinthians 9:27, I am going to beat my body and make it my slave so that I won't be DQ-ed for the prize which I really am working hard for now. I mean who likes to get out of their comfort zone. I believe no one likes it.

Ultimately, what Jesus said was so true, that we need to do everything in order to stop sin from invading our soul, in Mark 9:47, saying if our left eye causes us to sin, then pluck it out then throw it away? For the sake of following Christ, I threw everything aside, and I am not gonna let anybody stop me now. Jesus, He really deserve much more than my current, self-conceited attitude. He deserves my ultimate dance moves and my whole devotion.

And I really pray that this realization and burst of spiritual overflow retains in my spirit so that I can do His work and to love people. I haven't been really loving people and I guess I need to get a start. But why not start now. Let's start now. Repent now, change now, apologize now, fast now, pray now and thru the seed that is buried in the soil and died, God will definitely make it multiply and grow into something far greater. The mustard seed is small, but it will not remain small. From the smallest seed it will grow into the largest tree; to impact the landscape with it's shade; and birds roost on the branches for rest, and to multiply with it's fruits and the fruit's many many seeds.

I want to be that kind of seed. The seed that fell on good soil, which requires three attributes which spawns from humility, which is openness, obedience and faithfulness. To love and not to judge, to love the unlovable, and to live a disciplined life where my yes be yes and no's be no's.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No boundaries

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is getting nowhere
Just when you almost gave up your dreams
They take you by the hand and show that you that you can
There are no boundaries

I'm just not giving up yet.

Sunday, March 14, 2010



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

En garde

If you wanna steal..
then all I have to do is to take it back from you.. by force if needed.
If you wanna kill..
then all I have to do is to raise that shield of faith.
If you wanna destroy..
then all I have to do is to wipe you out first with the sword.

Hear me, you denizens of the unseen world.
If its a war you want, then its a war you have.

-Solomon enters the battlefield

and yep I think I can say it again.. without love we are all bankrupt..

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Now you know that I was never good at saying goodbyes.

P.S. I hated changes, ever since you first said gotta go.

Friday, March 5, 2010


no courage.
i really feel like running away,
if i had the option to..
i don't..

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I'm not happy with my current level of spirituality AT ALL.
Need a breakthrough soon.

-and I know that dreams are not suspended on silver wings...but just a hop from where you are if you are willing to take the jump..

Monday, March 1, 2010


I seriously think beauty comes from the soul, not the face anymore.
Fear of the Lord is beauty itself. A God honouring woman will leak beauty out of her soul.