Sunday, May 23, 2010

two cents ver.2

Alright I didn't expect this coming, because I thought that this is going to be just another ESS.
No visitors; no converts; no blessings; no new revelations.

Boy was I wrong.

1530 HRS
Robin called and I was taking a nap. I was rather sick this few days so I thought I should just rest. He called to ask me for help to assist a sister's cg visitors of 5 guys. I was rather reluctant and pissed off because he disturbed my slumber. But being the nice guy I am, I readily agreed.

1745 HRS
Seated in Centrepoint's LJS. Just another simple, before-the-service-gathering. Same old faces; familiar faces and comfortable smiles. Eilton asked me how am I intending to share the Good News to the visitors. Uh oh. No template. But I managed to squeeze out my conversion story and witnesses of His great Deeds in my life. Praying hard about it. "God use me use me..." (you get the idea.)

1845 HRS
Walking around in the reception. Visitors not here yet. Round and round and round.. The anxiety levels flys, sky high..

2015 - 2100 HRS
The VIP-s arrived. They smoke when we first met. To me they look like the typical ah bengs. And for the service, they missed the PnW, and even drama! Quite wasted if you ask me. What's more, we only knew each other for around 1/2 hrs and you tell me to share the gospel? HELP!

Altar call. Anxious x 1000. Then God said that they are not here by chance. To me. I immediately shared to the guy beside me. To my surprise he is a Christian like myself.
My suspicion is confirmed when I see them mouth the Sinner's Prayer.

2200 - 2300 HRS
My attention was drawn to this guy which shall be name Jake. He is rather friendly, and yea, he smokes. He shared to me his job scope (which is a new 'student' at SCDF FYI), and about his adventures there. Further chatting revealed to me that he is the leader of the group of five, trying to influence his friends positively and leading them to God. He is even loving enough to give us the chicken rice that was ordered for them in the first place.

Do you even know how surprised I was? I was so grateful and amazed by the power of God, that He really chose the flawed vessels to do His mighty works. And through that, He is glorified.

People that smoke, so what. People that swear, so what? People that talk dirty stuff, so what? People chase for relationships, SO WHAT? Seriously..

It's like God has slapped me and say, "What are we, trying to be a Pharisee? You said, "You called THEM Christians? Aren't you even like that? Are you really any better?". Thoughts like this came into my mind.

The fact here is that we are all sinners. Sinners that fell tragically short of the perfect standard of heaven entry. We don't have the ticket to heaven. But Jesus came and gave those tickets, FOC, no strings attached. We are all sinners, whether do we smoke, swear, or blaspheme.

To tell you the truth, I am rather ashamed of my mentality. But I thank God for this amazing day, which seemed so normal, tranquil and peaceful, He transformed it into a day of overwhelming revelation that really made me bring home A WHOLE LOT of stuff. Stuffs that I couldn't learn by reading the Word on my own. Stuff that only the Spirit can reveal to me.

I really believe that this is really going to change me.
It's not really only about singing hymns; loving your cg mates; doing what your leaders tell you; or encouraging your boys when they need a pat on the shoulder; or about entertaining the fellow dancers with stupid dances.. It's about loving all kinds of people.. Because you came to love the sinners that You so loved..

I want to share this verse that came into my mind when I am typing this out, because I really hope that you readers will really benefit from this, but I think there are only a couple of you are even reading this, but meh.

Mark 2:15-17
15While Jesus was having dinner at Levi's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him.

16When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the "sinners" and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: "Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"

17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Thank You for giving me this opportunity to learn another bit of Your will. God, thanks for this. I really needed it. You were relevant, and You brought Yourself to their level.. And that's what exactly You showed me today.

And as of today, I quit my job as a 'Pharisee' and I will learn to love the people that are sinners. Because, You love them as much as You love the 'righteous'.

Praise the LORD!


At June 5, 2010 at 6:05 AM , Blogger HyosHi said...

Hey Solomon! I want to affirm what you have written about in this post! I felt the Holy Spirit flowing as I was reading through, and what you said hit me too. I shall not be a pharisee any longer too! See you soon bro. :)



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